Shock And Awe: Fireworks, Smiley Faces, and The Depression
We need more than smiley faces these days. The alleged "recovery" is slowing. Many experts don't expect a turnaround until 2011, too late for next fall's elections. Some fear another crash. A few say the Dow Jones Industrial Average is repeating a pattern that appeared just before markets fell in 1929.....In England, The Telegraph reports a truth that many Americans and our media cheerleaders really don't want to see or face:
"With the US trapped in depression, this really is starting to feel like 1932."....The US workforce shrank by 652,000 in June, one of the sharpest contractions ever. The rate of hourly earnings fell 0.1pc. Wages are flirting with deflation.
Spending Not the Cause of Our Problems
Social Security always has been especially offensive. It is a universal program that worked and became very popular. It constitutes the major reason poverty rates among the elderly declined dramatically. Had George W. Bush privatized Social Security, our great recession likely would have become Great Depression II....
Unable to go after the program directly, conservatives attacked Social Security through fallacious arguments that the program, which its bipartisan trustees certify as fully funded through 2044, is a fiscal time bomb. As Baker points out, the real fiscal time bombs are exploding private sector dominated health costs, the bank bailouts and war costs of a trillion dollars and counting. Concern about deficits never has prevented the business press or our senators from supporting these corporate behemoths.
What We Make Our Sisters Do for Healthcare
We live with a healthcare system that is largely selfish, greed-driven, money-hungry and brutal to almost every person with an illness - unless that person has care secured a way to survive and afford care while someone else close to them works or unless they have access to care through Medicare, Medicaid, the IHS or the VA. And even in some of those settings, providers are very hard to find and some care little about the wellness of the patient and a lot about the healthy profits.....Check out the status of most insured Americans' health and you'll find some shocking, but predictable realities. Teeth get pulled not fixed. People take OTC meds to avoid the healthcare system and its costs. Symptoms needing attention are ignored until the symptoms become insistent. Parents find ways to get kids to care whenever they care, but many still go without basic services.
Low Taxes are Exacerbating the Recession
"During the period 1951-63, when marginal rates were at their peak -- 91 percent or 92 percent -- the American economy boomed, growing at an average annual rate of 3.71 percent," he wrote in February. "The fact that the marginal rates were what would today be viewed as essentially confiscatory did not cause economic cataclysm -- just the opposite. And during the past seven years, during which we reduced the top marginal rate to 35 percent, average growth was a more meager 1.71 percent."....This makes perfect sense. Though the Reagan zeitgeist created the illusion that taxes stunt economic growth, the numbers prove that higher marginal tax rates generate more resources for the job-creating, wage-generating public investments (roads, bridges, broadband, etc.) that sustain an economy. They also create economic incentives for economy-sustaining capital investment.
Friday, July 23, 2010

This is a continuously updated feed of the most important news, commentary, and videos from the world wide web, also known as the "Where in the hell has Tremaine Been? Version of the Unity-Progress Internet Project. (Tremaine refuses to be tied down to a few web sites for information; he goes pretty much everywhere.)
Whenever I find something very important but I know I probably will never have time to directly incorporate it into one of my articles (which less face it, is most of the time) I will link to it here. I will almost always leave the titles alone but I will sometimes write my own description, or more often I will for the description extract out one or two or three major points that are in the content.
The content will not be strictly limited to news and commentary (much of it quite depressing under the circumstances, to be honest). My favorite music videos and other much lighter stuff will be included from time to time, roughly once a month and hopefully more often than that.
Aside from efficiency and good organization, another primary feature and benefit of this custom feed is quality over quantity. There will be three or four items apprised and rejected for every one included in the feed.
Items are chosen according the following criteria:
--Accuracy of information
--Importance of information
--Correctness of information (and of any opinions)
--Timeliness of the information
--Quality of writing
Forward-looking means that I favor the items that describe not only exactly how things are now but how they will be in the near and long term future.
Notice that unlike with most publishing the amorphous and establishment oriented concepts of "credibility" and "authoritativeness" are NOT criteria. Reality has shown that those who are supposedly credible and authoritative are very often nothing of the sort. They have a hidden agenda which makes their pronouncements fraudulent.
Of course I know in the first place where to go to get the best items that have these characteristics. Most of the items I review for possible inclusion will be on the sites that most often have the best content. But my curiousity is endless and I am always checking out sites I have never been to before to see if I can find a new "top site" to add to the list of creme of the crop sites that I visit several times a week. And I am also always revisiting sites I seldom visit to see if I can find that one in a hundred article on that obscure site that usually has the more lame and/or the less accurate stuff that I should include in the feed.
This is a continuously updated feed of the most important news, commentary, and videos from the world wide web, also known as the "Where in the hell has Tremaine Been? Version of the Unity-Progress Internet Project. (Tremaine refuses to be tied down to a few web sites for information; he goes pretty much everywhere.)
Whenever I find something very important but I know I probably will never have time to directly incorporate it into one of my articles (which less face it, is most of the time) I will link to it here. I will almost always leave the titles alone but I will sometimes write my own description, or more often I will for the description extract out one or two or three major points that are in the content.
The content will not be strictly limited to news and commentary (much of it quite depressing under the circumstances, to be honest). My favorite music videos and other much lighter stuff will be included from time to time, roughly once a month and hopefully more often than that.
Aside from efficiency and good organization, another primary feature and benefit of this custom feed is quality over quantity. There will be three or four items apprised and rejected for every one included in the feed.
Items are chosen according the following criteria:
--Accuracy of information
--Importance of information
--Correctness of information (and of any opinions)
--Timeliness of the information
--Quality of writing
Forward-looking means that I favor the items that describe not only exactly how things are now but how they will be in the near and long term future.
Notice that unlike with most publishing the amorphous and establishment oriented concepts of "credibility" and "authoritativeness" are NOT criteria. Reality has shown that those who are supposedly credible and authoritative are very often nothing of the sort. They have a hidden agenda which makes their pronouncements fraudulent.
Of course I know in the first place where to go to get the best items that have these characteristics. Most of the items I review for possible inclusion will be on the sites that most often have the best content. But my curiousity is endless and I am always checking out sites I have never been to before to see if I can find a new "top site" to add to the list of creme of the crop sites that I visit several times a week. And I am also always revisiting sites I seldom visit to see if I can find that one in a hundred article on that obscure site that usually has the more lame and/or the less accurate stuff that I should include in the feed.
The feed begins as of July 1, 2010. For the first 30 days there will be four items per day. Starting on July 31, the number of items per day will become just three. Unfortunately, time limitations require that reduction. Fewer than three makes the whole thing virtually a waste of time and more than that is beyond the resources available for this project and is hopefully unnecessary because of the quality over quantity principal in operation.
There will be a post for each day with three links in each post. Unfortunately, however, time resources available will not always permit these posts to actually be made daily. I will often be in catch-up mode, making several days' posts in one day. (Note that the posts will still be dated as if they were made on a daily basis; fortunately, Google Blogger permits postings to be date stamped with dates in the past; so at least the archive will at least look like I was able to post on a daily basis.)
This is not by any stretch an up to the minute news service. In fact, most links will be to items that were posted at the source one week earlier. This is done so that I can often maintain a one week ahead cushion for my postings.
So we are definitely not all that concerned with being "up to the minute". Again, the value of this project comes from the quality of the items chosen and from the long term importance of maintaining a library of links. For example, several years from now, you or I can go back and find out what we were being warned about years ago, to among other things see if things did in fact turn out in accordance with the warnings made years ago. So don't think of this as a full scale news service but do think of it as a long-term repository of critical information.
I have other Internet sites that offer bigger quantity within their subjects. But here I guarantee three very accurate and very important items per day (90 items in a 30 day month) over the long term.
The feed begins as of July 1, 2010. For the first 30 days there will be four items per day. Starting on July 31, the number of items per day will become just three. Unfortunately, time limitations require that reduction. Fewer than three makes the whole thing virtually a waste of time and more than that is beyond the resources available for this project and is hopefully unnecessary because of the quality over quantity principal in operation.
There will be a post for each day with three links in each post. Unfortunately, however, time resources available will not always permit these posts to actually be made daily. I will often be in catch-up mode, making several days' posts in one day. (Note that the posts will still be dated as if they were made on a daily basis; fortunately, Google Blogger permits postings to be date stamped with dates in the past; so at least the archive will at least look like I was able to post on a daily basis.)
This is not by any stretch an up to the minute news service. In fact, most links will be to items that were posted at the source one week earlier. This is done so that I can often maintain a one week ahead cushion for my postings.
So we are definitely not all that concerned with being "up to the minute". Again, the value of this project comes from the quality of the items chosen and from the long term importance of maintaining a library of links. For example, several years from now, you or I can go back and find out what we were being warned about years ago, to among other things see if things did in fact turn out in accordance with the warnings made years ago. So don't think of this as a full scale news service but do think of it as a long-term repository of critical information.
I have other Internet sites that offer bigger quantity within their subjects. But here I guarantee three very accurate and very important items per day (90 items in a 30 day month) over the long term.
In this feed there will be primary, secondary, and temporary themes. The primary and secondary themes match those of the Unity Progress project overall:
--Health system failure in the US
--Labor market failure in the US
--Economic system failure in the US
--Internet myths and realities
--The environment in general and the oil gusher in particular
--Haiti and Jamaica
Primary themes will continue indefinitely and will dominate the feed. For primary themes, in some weeks you will see all of them mixed well and in other weeks you will see just one of the primary themes very heavily represented. This is because sometimes I am in the mode of keeping up with all the primary themes at once (you can call this "news mode") whereas other times I am in the mode of digging down deep for very detailed information that almost no one knows about (how about calling this "deep mode"). In deep mode, you might for example all of a sudden see a dozen sophisticated articles about the health system failures of the US.
Secondary themes will appear only sporadically. Sometimes, it will be months between appearances of an item for a secondary theme.
There will be one or two temporary themes from time to time. These will generally involve disasters and catastrophes. It is possible that a temporary theme will evolve into a permanent theme. With the beginning of the theme as of July 1, 2010 there is a temporary theme: the oil gusher in the Gulf of Mexico.
The ability to easily and efficiently include anything and everything that is on the Internet that I want to include in one seamless feed and in one place summarizes the power of this great new page. I have designed many web pages and many of them are quite good and/or quite informative. I can honestly say that this particular page is one of my best and most informative yet.
You are welcome to share and take advantage of my vast knowledge of what is real and true and what is not. I guarantee you that the untrue propaganda will never be included here except for rare accidents. I have taken the trash out and left only the good stuff in the kitchen. So let's proceed with the feast. Bon appétit.
In this feed there will be primary, secondary, and temporary themes. The primary and secondary themes match those of the Unity Progress project overall:
--Health system failure in the US
--Labor market failure in the US
--Economic system failure in the US
--Internet myths and realities
--The environment in general and the oil gusher in particular
--Haiti and Jamaica
Primary themes will continue indefinitely and will dominate the feed. For primary themes, in some weeks you will see all of them mixed well and in other weeks you will see just one of the primary themes very heavily represented. This is because sometimes I am in the mode of keeping up with all the primary themes at once (you can call this "news mode") whereas other times I am in the mode of digging down deep for very detailed information that almost no one knows about (how about calling this "deep mode"). In deep mode, you might for example all of a sudden see a dozen sophisticated articles about the health system failures of the US.
Secondary themes will appear only sporadically. Sometimes, it will be months between appearances of an item for a secondary theme.
There will be one or two temporary themes from time to time. These will generally involve disasters and catastrophes. It is possible that a temporary theme will evolve into a permanent theme. With the beginning of the theme as of July 1, 2010 there is a temporary theme: the oil gusher in the Gulf of Mexico.
The ability to easily and efficiently include anything and everything that is on the Internet that I want to include in one seamless feed and in one place summarizes the power of this great new page. I have designed many web pages and many of them are quite good and/or quite informative. I can honestly say that this particular page is one of my best and most informative yet.
You are welcome to share and take advantage of my vast knowledge of what is real and true and what is not. I guarantee you that the untrue propaganda will never be included here except for rare accidents. I have taken the trash out and left only the good stuff in the kitchen. So let's proceed with the feast. Bon appétit.